


ARMIA: A Sensorized Arm Wearable for Motor Rehabilitation
Garcia, G.J.; Alepuz, A.; Balastegui, G.; Bernat, L.; Mortes, J.; Sanchez, S.; Vera, E.; Jara, C.A.; Morell, V.; Pomares, J.; Ramon, J.L.; Ubeda, A. (2022) Biosensors, 12, 469. (Q1)

Trajectory Optimization and Control of a Free-Floating Two-Arm Humanoid Robot
Ramon, J. L.; Calvo, R.; Trujillo, A.; Pomares, J.; Felicetti, L. (2022) Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.

Flatness-based disturbance observer for exoskeleton robots under time-delayed contact forces
Rigatos, G.; Abbaszadeh, M.; Pomares, J. (2022) Advanced Control for Applications, e100.

Editorial: Robotic Platforms for Assistance to People with Disabilities
Jara, C.A.; Corrales, J.A. (2022) Applied Sciences, 12, 2235.

Direct Visual Servoing and Interaction Control for a Two-Arms On-Orbit Servicing Spacecraft
Ramón, J. L.; Pomares, J.; Felicetti, L. (2022) Acta Astronautica, Vol. 192, pp. 368-378.

Editorial: Neuromechanical Biomarkers in Robot-Assisted Motor Rehabilitation
Úbeda, A.; Costa-García, Á.; Torricelli, D.; Vujaklija, I.; Del Vecchio, A. (2022) Frontiers in Neurorobotics.



Human Pose Detection for Robotic-Assisted and Rehabilitation Environments
Hernández, O.; Morell, V.; Ramon, J. L.; Jara, C. A. (2021) Applied Sciences 11 (9), 4183.

Effects of Force Modulation on Large Muscles during Human Cycling
Costa-García, Á.; Úbeda, A.; Shimoda, S.; (2021) Brain Sciences, 11, 1537.

A Nonlinear Optimal Control Approach for Multi-DOF Brachiation Robots
Rigatos, G.; Abbaszadeh, M.; Busawon, K.; Gao, Z.; Pomares, J.; (2021) International Journal of Humanoid Robotics.

A nonlinear optimal control approach for underactuated power-line inspection robots
Rigatos, G.; Zervos, N.; Siano, P.; Abbaszadeh, M.; Pomares, J. (2021) Robotica, 1-31.



A nonlinear optimal control approach for a lower-limb robotic exoskeleton
Rigatos, G.; Abbaszadeh, M.; Pomares, J.; Wira, P. (2020) International Journal of Humanoid Robotics.

Non-linear optimal control for multi-DOF electro-hydraulic robotic manipulators
Rigatos, G.; Zervos, N.; Abbaszadeh, M.; Pomares, J.; Wira, P. (2020) IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 96-106.

Nonlinear Optimal Control for the Wheeled Inverted Pendulum System
Rigatos, G.; Busawon, K.; Pomares, J.; Abbaszadeh, M. (2020) Robotica, pp. 1-19.



Evaluation of Optimal Vibrotactile Feedback for Force-Controlled Upper Limb Myoelectric Prostheses
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A.; Ramon, J.L.; Morell, V.; Garcia, G.J.; Pomares, J.; Jara, C.A.; Ubeda, A. (2019) Sensors, vol.19, no. 23, p. 5209.

Fast geometry-based computation of grasping points on three-dimensional point clouds
Zapata-Impata, B. S.; Gil, P.; Pomares, J.; Torres, F. (2019) International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems.

Optimal Image-Based Guidance of Mobile Manipulators using Direct Visual Servoing
Belmonte, Á; Ramón, J. L.; Pomares, J; Garcia, G. J.; Jara, C. A. (2019) Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 4, 374.

Nonlinear optimal control for a spherical rolling robot
Rigatos, G.; Busawon, K.; Pomares, J.; Abbaszadeh, M. (2019) nternational Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 221-237.

Visual Servoing in Robotics
Pomares, J. (2019). Ed MDPI, Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 11, p. 1298.



Concurrent image-based visual servoing with adaptive zooming for non-cooperative rendezvous maneuvers
Pomares, J.; Felicetti, L.; Pérez, J.; Reza, M. (2018) Advances in Space Research, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 862-878. IF: 1.746 (Q3).

The Central Nervous System Modulates the Neuromechanical Delay in a Broad Range for the Control of Muscle Force
del Vecchio, A.; Úbeda, A.; Sartori, M.; Azorín, J. M.; Felici, F.; Farina, D. (2018) Journal of Applied Physiology (JAPP), Vol. 125, No. 5, pp. 1404-1410. IF: 3.140 (Q1).

A vision-driven collaborative robotic grasping system tele-operated by surface electromyography
Úbeda, A.; Zapata-Impata, B. S.; Puente, S. T.; Gil, P.; Candelas, F.; Torres, F. (2018) Sensors, Vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 2366. IF: 3.031 (Q1).

Estimation of Neuromuscular Primitives from EEG Slow Cortical Potentials in Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Individuals for a New Class of Brain-Machine Interfaces
Úbeda, A.; Azorín, J. M.; Farina, D.; Sartori, M. (2018) Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol. 12, no. 3. IF: 2.323 (Q1).

Nonlinear optimal control for a spherical rolling robot
Rigatos, G; Busawon, K.; Pomares, J.; Abbaszadeh, M. (2018) International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, pp. 1-17.

Assistance Robotics and Biosensors
Torres, F.; Puente, S. T.; Úbeda, A. (2018) Ed. MDPI, ISBN: 978-3-03897-395-9.



Adaptive tactile control for in-hand manipulation tasks of deformable objects
Delgado, A.; Jara, C.A.; Torres, F. (2017) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 91, no. 9-12, pp. 4127-4140. IF: 2.601 (Q2).

Classification of upper limb center-out reaching tasks by means of EEG-based continuous decoding techniques
Úbeda, A.; Azorín, J.M.; Chavarriaga, R.; Millán, J.del R. (2017) Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (JNER), Vol. 14, No. 9. IF: 3.865 (Q1).

In-hand recognition and manipulation of elastic objects using a servo-tactile control strategy
Delgado, A.; Jara, C.A.; Torres, F. (2017) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 48, pp. 102-112. IF: 3.464 (Q1).

Tactile control based on Gaussian images and its application in bi-manual manipulation of deformable objects
Delgado, A.; Corrales, J. A.; Mezouar, Y.; Lequievre, L.; Jara, C. A.; Torres, F. (2017) Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol. 94, pp. 148-161. IF: 2.638 (Q1).



FPGA-based architecture for visual servoing robotic systems
Alabdo, A.; Pérez, J.; García, G.J.; Pomares, J.; Torres, F. (2016) Mechatronics. Vol. 39, pp. 204-216. IF: 2.496 (Q1).

FPGA-based visual control system using dynamic perceptibility
Pérez, J.; Alabdo, A.; Pomares, J.; García, G.J.; Torres, F. (2016) Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 41, pp. 13-22. IF: 2.846 (Q1).

Direct image-based visual servoing of free-floating space manipulators
Pérez, J.; Reza, M.; Pomares, J. (2016) Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 55, pp. 1-9. IF: 2.057 (Q1).

EEG-Based Detection of Starting and Stopping During Gait Cycle
Hortal, E.; Úbeda, A.; Iáñez, E.; Azorín, J. M.; Fernández, E. (2016) International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 26, No. 7, 1650029. IF: 6.333 (Q1).

Decoding the Attentional Demands of Gait through EEG Gamma Band Features
Costa, Á.; Iáñez, E.; Úbeda, A.; Hortal, E.; Del-Ama, A. J.; Gil-Agudo, Á.; Azorín, J.M. (2016) PLOS One (PLOSONE), Vol. 11, No. 4, e0154136. IF: 2.806 (Q1).

Design and application of an immersive virtual reality system to enhance emotional skills for children with autism spectrum disorders
Lorenzo, G.; Lledó, A.; Pomares, J.; Roig, R. (2016) Computers & Education, Vol. 98, pp. 192-205. IF: 3.819 (Q1).

Characterization of artifacts produced by gel displacement on non-invasive brain-machine interfaces during ambulation
Costa, Á.; Salazar-Varas, R.; Úbeda, A.; Azorín, J. M. (2016) Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol. 10. IF: 3.566 (Q2).

Bibliometric indicators in the study of Asperger syndrome between 1990 and 2014
Lorenzo, G.; Lledó, A.; Pomares, J.; Roig, R.; Arnáiz, P. (2016) Scientometrics, Vol. 109, pp. 377-388. IF: 2.147 (Q2).



SVM-based brain-machine interface for controlling a robot arm through four mental tasks
Hortal, E.; Planelles, D.; Costa, A.; Iáñez, E.; Úbeda, A.; Azorín, J. M.; Fernández, E. (2015) Neurocomputing (NEUROCOMP), Vol. 151, No. 1, pp. 116-121. IF: 2.392 (Q1).

Assessing movement factors in upper limb kinematics decoding from EEG signals
Úbeda, A.; Hortal, E.; Iáñez, E.; Perez-Vidal, C.; Azorín, J. M. (2015) PLOS One (PLOSONE), Vol. 10, No. 5, e0128456. IF: 3.057 (Q1).

Analyzing EEG signals to detect unexpected obstacles during walking
Salazar-Varas, R.; Costa, Á.; Iáñez, E.; Úbeda, A.; Hortal, E.; Azorín, J. M. (2015) Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (JNER), Vol. 12, No. 101. IF: 2.419 (Q1).

Combining a Brain–Machine Interface and an Electrooculography Interface to perform pick and place tasks with a robotic arm
Hortal, E.; Iáñez, E.; Úbeda, A.; Perez-Vidal, C.; Azorín, J.M. (2015) Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), Vol. 72, pp. 181-188. IF: 1.618 (Q2).

Control of Redundant Joint Structures Using Image Information During the Tracking of Non-Smooth Trajectories
Lorenzo, G.; Pomares, J.; Lledó, A.; Jara, C. A. (2015) Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Vol. 78, pp. 33-46. IF: 0.932 (Q3).

Direct visual servoing framework based on optimal control for redundant joint structures
Pomares, J.; Jara, C. A.; Pérez, J.; Torres, F. (2015) International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 16, pp. 167-174. IF: 1.075 (Q3).

Detection of Gait Initiation Through a ERD-Based Brain-Computer Interface
Hortal, E.; Planelles, D.; Iáñez, E.; Costa, A.; Úbeda, A.; Azorín, J.M. (2015) Advances in Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics, Springer, Eds. Londral, A. R.; Encarnaçao, P., pp. 141-150. ISB: 978-3-319-26240-6.

Brain-Machine Interfaces for Assistive Robotics
Hortal, E.; Iáñez, E.; Úbeda, A.; Azorín, J.M. (2015) Intelligent Assistive Robots - Recent Advances in Assistive Robotics for Everyday Activities, Springer, Eds. Mohammed, S.; Moreno, J. C.; Kong, K.; Amirat, Y., pp. 77-102. ISB: 978-3-319-12921-1.
HURO research lines are focused in the benefit of humans and environmental impact, developing solutions for human-robot interaction and services, for helping disabled people and for spacecraft control applications.

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  • Human Robotics
    UA Polytechnic School 3
    Physics, Systems Engineering and Signal Theory Department
    University of Alicante
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    03690 Alicante, Spain.

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