Today, September 14, the act of defense of the doctoral thesis of José Luis Ramón has been carried out in the Hall of Grades I of the EPS. At HURO we cannot be more proud of our colleague, who...
Today, July 8, 2022, the 12th edition of the PAAE-ALE congress held at the University of Alicante came to a close. During the closing ceremony, the prize for the best student paper was awarded.
Once again, after eleven editions, the University of Alicante (UA) recognizes the most innovative and sustainable business initiatives arising from the University community in the Impulse Awards.
New subjects for the 2020-21 course...
Exoforge is a multidisciplinary laboratory for the development of robotic rehabilitation and assistance devices ...
HURO will participate in the local organizing committee of the PAEE-ALE 2022 conference...
Advanced mechanical design of robotic devices and kinematic - dynamic control performance