Impulso Awards 2021

July 22, 2021

The X edition of the Impulso Awards, organized by the University of Alicante and the Alicante Science Park, has become, another year, the launching event of the innovative work, transfer and entrepreneurship developed in the institution. The awards gala took place in July the 21th at the Paraninfo of the UA, in a massive meeting chaired by the dean Amparo Navarro.

The Accessibility Award was given to ARMIA, an initiative of HURO with the participation of the students: Esther Vera Moreno, Sheila Sánchez Rodríguez, Jonathan Mortes Esquer, Ángel Alepuz Jerez, Lluís Bernat Iborra, Ángela Sánchez Pérez, Luis José García Burgos and Guillermo Balastegui Garcia. The ARMIA device is a sensorized sleeve that allows obtaining the movement and muscle information of a patient with neuromuscular injuries or limitations during rehabilitation therapy of the upper limb. ARMIA is aimed at its use both by private users to complement their physical rehabilitation therapy at home, as well as by hospitals, clinics, therapy centers and nursing homes for the elderly.

Human Robotics Group - University of Alicante

HURO research lines are focused in the benefit of humans and environmental impact, developing solutions for human-robot interaction and services, for helping disabled people and for spacecraft control applications.

Contact us

  • Human Robotics
    UA Polytechnic School 3
    Physics, Systems Engineering and Signal Theory Department
    University of Alicante
    Ctra San Vicente del Raspeig s/n
    San vicente del Raspeig
    03690 Alicante, Spain.

  • (+34) 965 903 400 Ext. 1094


  • Week Days   : 09:00 – 18:00
    Saturday, Sunday   : Holiday