The main goals of this project are:
JCR Journals
International Conferences
National Conferences
The main goal of this project is to develop myoelectric control schemes of a robotic hand as an alternative to other methods to evaluate the kinematic behavior of the upper limb such as visual recognition or systems based on inertial sensors. The use of muscular activity to control robotic hands is proposed as a more natural and intuitive way to control an external device, as it generates control commands from the electrophysiological activity of the user and it does not require the evaluation of extrinsic parameters, with no account of the actual process of motor control. This kind of control also allows assessing other important factors such as muscular fatigue or the type of muscular contraction, which can support and complement the control process to the robotic hand and give further versatility.
Advanced mechanical design of robotic devices and kinematic - dynamic control performance