Control Framework for Dexterous Manipulation Using Dynamic Visual Servoing and Tactile Sensors’ Feedback
A Survey on FPGA-Based Sensor Systems: Towards Intelligent and Reconfigurable Low-Power Sensors for Computer Vision, Control and Signal Processing
Dynamic visual servo control of a 4-axis joint tool to track image trajectories during machining complex shapes
Inclusion of immersive virtual learning environments and visual control systems to support the learning of students with Asperger syndrome
Shared Control Architecture Based on RFID to Control a Robot Arm Using a Spontaneous Brain-Machine Interface
Calibración de cámaras de tiempo de vuelo: Ajuste adaptativo del tiempo de integración y análisis de la frecuencia de modulación
An Integrated Electrooculography and Desktop Input Bimodal Interface to Support Robotic Arm Control
Capítulo 5: Interfaces basadas en movimientos oculares: electrooculografía (EOG) y videooculografía (VOG)
Capítulo 6: Interfaces basadas en la actividad cerebral
Flexible Applications of Robotic Manipulators Based on Visual-Force Control and Cooperation with Humans
Robótica Médica - Notas prácticas para el aprendizaje de la robótica en bioingienería
Hands-on experiences of undergraduate students in automatics and robotics using a virtual and remote laboratory
EJS+EjsRL: An interactive tool for industrial robots simulation, Computer Vision and remote operation
Integrating Virtual Laboratories into Collaborative E-Learning: A New Open-Source Tool for Educators