The objectives achieved by the project were the following:
JCR Journals
International Conferences
National Conferences
PhD Thesis
Currently, robotics is present in assistance applications to alleviate the needs arising with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with mobility problems. It is within this scope that the present project is framed, with the purpose of providing an intelligent assistance in manipulation tasks to people who present some type of motor disability, as assistance in daily and / or daily environments and tasks. The control system of the robotic system must be able to adapt to dynamic, changing, unstructured environments and in interaction with humans. For this reason, the intelligent manipulation system of the robotic system must process information from different sensory systems (vision, force and tactile) that allow to integrate in the control system the perceptive capacity necessary to manipulate unknown objects of the environment and with the possibility of collaborate with the human in basic tasks of high level.
In order to provide intelligent manipulation to people with some type of motor disability in their daily and daily tasks, two robotic hands were located on two available anthropomorphic robot arms. The robot-human collaboration in the same environment to provide a service or assistance is going to be an important point in the future of robotics. This field demands sensitive robotic systems with high handling functionalities. This project aims to investigate the dual manipulation (with two robotic hands) or in collaboration with a human to solve a task. For this reason, the manipulation system will be complemented with sensorial systems based on vision, force and tactile that allow to integrate in the control system the perceptive capacity necessary to manipulate unknown objects.
Advanced mechanical design of robotic devices and kinematic - dynamic control performance