Human Robotics Group starts

January 9, 2018

With the beginning of 2018, we created the research group of HUman RObotics, motivated by new necessities of future robotics. Its members, with great experience in robotics and its related automated systems, start this new enterprise with the collaboration of companies like PAL Robotics, CFZ Cobots, and Tamegar, as well as European research group like SIGMA (Clermont-Ferrand, France), Industrial Systems Institute (ISI, Greece), and Onboard Space Systems (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden).

This is a project in which our intention is to deal with the problems of future robotics, which requires robots able to develop their tasks in Dynamic and social environments. HUman RObotics’ lines of research are grouped into four categories:


Humanoid robots

Humanoid robots are designed to simulate the shape and movements of human beings, as well as their appearance and sensorization. Influenced by this topic, we are currently working in research lines such as “Design and control of humanoid robots”, “Simulation and control of ROS based components of humanoid robots”, “Humanoid robots in assistive and social environments”, “Artificial intelligence in humanoid robots”, and “Deep-learning”.

Industrial and service robotics

This research line focuses on the practical applications of the research performed in the group to industry and service robots.

Within the industrial field we should mention:

  • Industrial automation.
  • Computer vision.
  • Design and control of robotic cells.
  • Robot and PLC programming.
  • Control systems engineering.
  • Automated guided vehicles.

Finally, we are working on improving the performance of robotic systems so they perform not only in industrial environments but also in social ones. Thus, the main objectives of HUman RObotics within this topic can be summarized in:

  • Social robots for supporting old and disabled people at home.
  • Assistive robotics.
  • Collaborative robots for aiding factory operators.
  • Entertainment and educational robots.

Robot design and control

The design of robot allows not only for determining the adequate kinematic and dynamic properties of a robot for a given application but also its construction and experimentation.

It also allows for the design, control, and construction of robots belonging to different scenarios such as humanoid robots, social robot, industrial robotic arms, field robotics, etc. Additionally, the use of sensor information is also considered for the guidance and control of robots. Two important research field of HUman Robotics within this topic are:

  • Visual servoing
  • Force control, manipulation and interaction control

Space robotics

This research focuses on concurrent methodologies for the design and development of robot control approaches, visual servoing, and manipulation in the upper atmosphere, in outer space and on small extraterrestrial bodies and planetary surfaces.

This group that belongs to the Department of Physics, System Engineering and Control Theory of the University of Alicante starts with these fundamental lines of research. With the final objective of contributing to future robotics and position the University of Alicante and its future graduate and postgraduate students as a world referent within these fields.

Human Robotics Group - University of Alicante

HURO research lines are focused in the benefit of humans and environmental impact, developing solutions for human-robot interaction and services, for helping disabled people and for spacecraft control applications.

Contact us

  • Human Robotics
    UA Polytechnic School 3
    Physics, Systems Engineering and Signal Theory Department
    University of Alicante
    Ctra San Vicente del Raspeig s/n
    San vicente del Raspeig
    03690 Alicante, Spain.

  • (+34) 965 903 400 Ext. 1094


  • Week Days   : 09:00 – 18:00
    Saturday, Sunday   : Holiday