You can download the detailed program in a PDF file here.

Day 1: Wednesday, 6 July 2022
8:00 Registration desk
8:30-9:30 Opening ceremony & Ice-breaking activity (Room A)

Hands-On sessions 1 (Room C)

Miguel Romá

20 Do we, as educators, have to be neutral in our classroom?

Hands-On sessions 2 (Room E)

Montse Farreras, Armengol Jesús, Pau Bofill, Àngels Hernández

29 Game-based Learning vs Gamification: A Hands-On

11:00-11:30 Coffee break (Inner courtyard)

Papers Session 1 (Room B) – Student Engagement

Session Chair: Anabela Alves

Jose Ignacio Pagan, Pablo Ortiz, Isabel Lopez
7 The use of Kahoot! to promote Active Learning in Port Management and Operation subject in Civil Engineering degree

Jose Ignacio Pagan, Isabel Lopez, Pablo Ortiz
9 Use of video tutorials for Active Learning and PBL in Coastal Engineering subject

Sandra Fernandes, Anabela Alves, Celina P. Leao, Ana Pereira
49 Promoting assessment as learning in PBL: findings from blogs created by first year students

Sandra Fernandes, Marta Abelha, Ana Sílvia Albuquerque
50 The student journey in PBL: using individual portfolios to promote self-reflection and assessment as learning

Anabela Alves, Sérgio Oliveira, Celina P. Leão, Sandra Fernandes
45 IEM@ProjectNetworking revisited: freshmen students closer to professional practice

Javier Ramirez Angulo, Margarita Portilla Pineda, Maria del Carmen González Cortés
61 Conducting a Home Experiment Related to the Colligative Properties of Chemical Solutions

13:15-14:30 LUNCH (Inner courtyard)

Papers Session 2 (Room B) – Research on Engineering Education

Session Chair: Shannon Chance

Miguel Romá, Josep David Ballester, Francisco Pedro Vives
10 Strengths and dangers of self and peer assessment in engineering learning. Teachers' and students' perspective

Dianne Viana, Valquíria Villas-Boas
13 Do Brazilian Engineering Professors Do Engineering Education Research in Active Learning? A Case Study

Rosane Aragón, Crediné Menezes, Alberto Castro Junior
48 Learning Assessment in a "Theses Debate"

Teresa Hattingh
67 Are your rubrics hitting the mark? An exploration of the use of rubrics for project-based learning in engineering

Daniela Pedrosa, Leonel Morgado and José Cravino
72 A strategy to support Engineering Education teaching staff monitoring students' learning process: Metacognitive Challenges

16:00-16:30 Coffee break (Inner courtyard)

KEY-NOTE session (Room A)

Antonio Turiel

"Science curricula in the timeof resource scarcity"

18:00-19:30 PAEE/ALE Challenge + Welcome cocktail
Day 2: Thursday, 7 July 2022
8:30-9:30 Registration desk

KEY-NOTE session (Room A)

Shannon Chance

"Engineering knowledge, skills, and values: keys to fostering globally responsible changemakers"

11:00-11:30 Coffee break (Inner courtyard)

Hands-On sessions 3 (Room D) - laptop required

Jens Myrup Pedersen

54 Haaukins: Cyber Security Training with Gamification

Hands-On sessions 4 (Room C) - laptop or cell phone required

Elisandra Martins, Valquiria Villas-Boas

31 Engineers working as a team: socio-emotional and intercultural skills for multicultural environments

13:15-14:30 LUNCH (Inner courtyard)

KEY-NOTE session (Room A)

Jordi Segalàs

"The ‘whys’, ‘whats’, ‘hows’ and ‘whos’ of Sustainability in Engineering Education"

16:00-16:30 Coffee break (Inner courtyard)

Students Session – Local/Online (Room B)

Session Chair: Jens Myrup Pedersen

Pablo Ortiz, Jose Ignacio Pagan and Isabel Lopez
(on-site) 8 Entrepreneurship as a tool to facilitate job placement for civil engineering students

Lluis Bernat, Carlos A. Jara, Jose L. Ramon, Jorge Pomares, Gabriel J. Garcia, Andres Ubeda
(on-site) 22 Exoforge: Interdisciplinary teaching laboratory for the development of assistive technology projects

Isabel B. A. de Souza, Bruno L. Borba, Alexandre S. C. Costa, Simone B. S. Monteiro, Edgar C. Oliveira
(on-site) 57 PBL to design a Gamified Financial Management Application for the socially vulnerable

Moises A. Croes, Carlos A. Jara, Jose L. Ramón, Jorge Pomares, Gabriel J. García, Andrés Ubeda
(on-site) 62 An advanced application for learning robotics using Augmented Reality

Miriam Chan-Pavón, Jesús Escalante-Euán, Ileana Monsreal-Barrera, Carlos Rubio-Atoche
23 Exploration of the use of Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology in two accredited engineering programs at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Cláudia Gonçalves, João Neto, Sabrina Oliveira and José Dinis-Carvalho
14 Project-based learning applied to improve the performance of a family wine bottling unit

Matheus Ferreira Palú, Octavio Mattasoglio Neto, Eduardo Nadaleto da Matta
28 Multidisciplinary projects for Engineering, Business Administration and Design programs: Construction and mapping of common skills through an analysis instrument

Matheus Ricardo de Avila Santos, Maria Valéria Araújo, John Burgoyne, Dmitryev Silva, Diego Paes, Rebeka Alves and Ana Beatriz Santana
4 Serious Game with emphasis on Global Prosperity: developing the Game Reis Magos from Design Science

Students Session – Online

Session Chair: Vicente Morell

Bruna Andrade Machado, Bárbara Hotta, Gabriel Lino Garcia, Fernando Bernardi Souza, José De Souza Rodrigues
25 The use of games in the teaching of Production Engineering: a catalog based on publications in Scopus

Bárbara Yumi Hotta, Fernando Bernardi Souza, Bruna Andrade Machado, José De Souza Rodrigues
26 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of games in the teaching of Production Engineering: an experiment with Goldratt Simulator

Humberto Arruda, Édison R. Silva
34 Lecturer Self-Awareness Index: measuring the alignment between lecturer and student perception

Mariana de Azevedo Mello, Júlia Rocha Thomaz Mattoso Salgado, Marcelle Caldas Vicente, Fernando Augusto Ullmann Töbe, Stephany Rie Yamamoto Gushiken, Anibal Alberto Vilcapoma Ignácio
38 Application of Project-Based Learning and Lean tools in a machining area of a welding industry

Amanda Rocha, Ingrid Alves, Larissa Santos, Laura Sousa, Dianne Viana, Maura Shzu, Simone Lisniowski
39 An approach to encourage girls' protagonism in exact sciences and engineering

Mariane Souza, Rui Lima, Diana Mesquita, Elida Margalho
43 Development and Validation of Scenarios for the assessment of Project Management People Competences

Jose Cristiano Pereira, Flavio Almeida, Ercilia de Stefano
68 68 Proposal of Method for Risk Assessment of Project-Based Learning Failure via AHP and BBN aiming at improving the Quality of Engineering Education – A Case Study

Nicole Andressa Michel, Luiz Campos
71 Circular Economy Implemented in a Cosmetic Company: A Case Study


Cultural Activity – Visit to Santa Bàrbara Castle (bus ride) and Alicante historic centre


Conference dinner

Day 3: Friday, 8 July 2022
8:30-9:30 Registration desk

Papers Session 3 (Room B) – Gamification

Session Chair: Sandra Fernandes

Pau Bofill, Montse Farreras, Jesús Armengol
30 An Escape Room For Learning Computer Programming

Montse Farreras, Pau Bofill, Jesús Armengol
33 An escape room for an alternative evaluation system

Andres Ubeda, Gabriel J. Garcia, Vicente Morell, Jose L. Ramon, Maria J. Blanes
21 A gamification approach for continuous engagement in engineering courses

Jesús Armengol, Pau Bofill, Montserrat Farreras
35 Gaming for learning

Hands-On sessions 5 (Room C)

Jens Myrup Pedersen

53 Problem Based Learning – Making Blended Learning work!

11:00-11:30 Coffee break (Inner courtyard)

Papers Session 4 (Room B)

Session Chair: Rui Sousa

Social Development

Tatiane Evangelista
59 Seeding future engineers

Fernando J. Rodriguez-Mesa
66 The Torca Experimen: A model of transdisciplinary project-work

Multidisciplinar Approaches

Victor Paiva, Caio Santos
11 Project based learning approach in the heat transfer course for undergraduate students

Luciano Soares, Fabio Orfali
37 Pair Teaching in Computer Graphics

Celina P. Leão, M. Florentina Abreu, Anabela Alves and Sandra Fernandes
55 PBL tutoring dynamics in first-year of Industrial Engineering and Management Program

13:00-13:30 Closing Ceremony (Room A)
13:30-14:30 LUNCH (not included in the fees)

Post Conference Visits

Human Robotics (HURO): Robotic engineering

Big structures (LARGE): Civil engineering

Autonomous industrial vehicles (Quixmind)

For further information please contact the organizing committee –