ARES is the second project of the Exoforge initiative. ARES project aims at developing a knee exoskeleton. In order to build the exoskeleton, 3 different teams will work together to solve aspects of robot design, simulation, construction, movement planning, control and interface design.

Project goals:

  • Study of low-cost knee orthoses that allow adding an actuator.

  • Mechanical design of the exoskeleton.

  • Printing of the necessary parts for the assembly of the exoskeleton.

  • Biomechanical study of human gait for the planning of valid trajectories for the exoskeleton.

  • Definition on ROS of trajectories to be followed by the actuator.

  • Torque control of the actuator on ROS.

Exoforge is a multidisciplinary laboratory for the development of robotic rehabilitation and assistance devices within the Human Robotics group of the University of Alicante aimed at the participation of students in the last courses of the Higher Polytechnic School of Alicante.

Contact us

  • EXOForge
    UA Polytechnic School 3
    Physics, Systems Engineering and Signal Theory Department
    University of Alicante
    Ctra San Vicente del Raspeig s/n
    San vicente del Raspeig
    03690 Alicante, Spain.

  • (+34) 965 903 400 Ext. 1094


  • Week Days   : 09:00 – 18:00
    Saturday, Sunday   : Holiday